🪂  Import trainees



You can also add multiple trainees to a group at once, using the Add trainees to groups field. Make sure that the name is identical to the group name in Warp Studio.

⚠️  Please note that you can not add multiple trainees to multiple groups at once.

📋 TSV or TXT file

You will need a spreadsheet program (like Excel or Google Sheets) to create a tab-separated file with all the trainees you would like to import. Make sure that the first row in that file includes the following column names: ⬇️

Enter the data of your trainees from row 2 and below. Click here for an example sheet.

When you have your file ready, save it as a tab-separated values file. In Google Spreadsheets this will be saved as a TSV file. In Excel this will be saved as a TXT file.

Upload your file and select to which group(s) these trainees should have access to. Click Import and wait until all trainees have been imported. ✅

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